Pierre Toutain-Dorbec grew up in France, in Normandy and Paris. His family's strong artistic background led him to begin studying the arts at the age of thirteen, an all his education since then was related to the arts. At home he practiced various forms of visual arts, as well and dark-room photography. He practiced by photographing his home in Normandy and all the countryside around, and went on to study photography at a major art school in Paris.

This image from Wikipedia: Pierre Toutain-Dorbec shows how something as simple as moving to the side and above the subject increases the compositional value and in this case, the meaning and impact as well. The young soldier is not photographed head on, and seems to be on the move. This leaves diagonals in the background, which is also very simple, something that enhances the composition as well. He is belittled by the angle which looks slightly down onto him, so despite the gun, he is shown as still a child. The close-up view, with the tip of hte gun very near to the camera lens makes the whole scene menacing. We are close to this child, and his gun is nearly pointed at the viewer, threateningly close. Also the expression on the child's face is hard to read, as if part of him is showing the emotion of wanting to escape and the other part feeling suspicious and superior to this intruder.
Both the subject matter and the composition contribute to giving an emotional respose to the image: a menacing solier on the move, but still a child.
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