Frances Pellegrini is a 1950's fashion and New York City photographer. The webpage the image is taken from, Frances Pellegrini -Photographer is an interview with Pellegrini which reveals much about the photographer. Interestingly enough, she says "I have never consciously composed a photograph. I never thought of my photography as art." This is a strange thing for a photographer to say, especially considering the artistic selection just found browsing this web page.

This picture is a nice example of fashion photography because it captures the fashion/style in action. The lady is climbing an elegant staircase, where each detail, down to the cat running down the stairs, are in motion. It is not a still shot, like some fashion shots, but the focus is still clearly the fashion aspect. The shoes and the skirt of the dress are details of an outfit that allow us to fill in the blanks of the rest of the outfit, all fitting into the classy setting of the wooden staircase. Composition-wise, independent of the fashion aspect, the photograph is interesting, with diagonals slanting in different directions, and shadows of each diagonal contrasting with the opposite directions of movement of the cat and the lady.
Image Two: Eolo Perfido
Eolo Perfido lives in Rome, though he was born in France. He discovered photography at the age of 28, and has been content to explore this passion ever since, feeling that taking pictures is a way of exploring himself and relating to other people. He mainly photographs people, finding it a good way to discover their images and personalities.

As part of a gallery of many images of people and clothing on his webpage, Eolo Perfido, this one sticks out as particulary interesting to fashion photography. The whole of the image is dark, except for the angular blouse, which is a bright white that seems to pop out of the image. Despite the made up eyes and intense stare of the model, the brightness of the blouse, even brighter than the whites of her eyes, causes our eyes to drift downward towards the blouse. The angle of the composition also naturally moves the eyes downwards to the blouse, which frames the face with its popped collars. The textures are all smooth and slick- even the model's hairstyle, adding to the overall fashion image that this image evokes - one of classy formality.
Image Three: Yanick Dery
Yanick Dery is from Montreal Canada. He graduated in Photography from the Collège d'études générales et professionnelles du Vieux-Montréal and has been photographing for magazines mainly ever since. He especially explores the international scene, which he discovered at the age of 16 when going abroad and now gets inspiration from well known photographers on the international scene.

This photograph from his web page Yanick Dery Photography takes a whole different spin on fashion photography. He zooms in quite clearly on the accessory, a very shiny and flashy ring. This ring is placed front and center, clearly the focus and the purpose of the shot. Only on second look can the background be discerned. At first glance, due to the blatant, zoomed in nature of the shot only the bright ring is noticeable, amid a background of flowing fabrics. The shiny textures of the fabric and the ring, along with the casually swinging necklace clearly show the glamorous, flashy style that he portrays. Simply by showing us the details of a part of an outfit, we can determine the overall mood and diva-ish personality of the person being photographed.
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